migesplus: health info for all


    In focus

      Improving mental health

      We can maintain our mental well-being by taking good care of ourselves. However, seeking professional help is recommended in case of a severe psychological crisis.

      Reach target groups

      Clear information is essential to help people to take part in social, economic and political life. Find out more about creating and publicizing easily understandable information.

      Migration and trauma

      Experiences of war and displacement can overwhelm someone temporarily or long-term. Early diagnosis and treatment are important in managing it.

      migesMedia: Media for migrants

      Disseminate your information and campaigns in the languages of the migrant population

      Sexual health

      Information about sexual health and sexual orientation.

      Pregnancy and childbirth

      Information the time before and after childbirth, healthy eating, breastfeeding and labour law issues.

    Latest publications

    Publications for professionals

    __Midwife Refugee Kit__ This e-learning tool aims to educate and increase the competences of midwives and health workers, originating from the care of asylum-seeking families. The e-learning tool is part of the SHV continuing education catalogue and certi…

    14 languages