Pregnancy and childbirth

Future parents have many questions about pregnancy and childbirth. Information about what happens before and after the birth and labour law issues are therefore very useful.

Themenbild Schwangerschaft und Geburt

Family planning

Topics such as contraception, sexual health and the desire for children are very personal. Information that also meets the needs of underprivileged target groups is particularly important in this sensitive area.

Relevant publications

Public Information
Sex and Facts

The website offers reliable and up-to-date information on a range of sexual health issues. Topics include: contraception, pregnancy (intended/unintended), genital (sexual) organs, and sexually transmitted infections. With just one click,…

11 languages
Public Information
You are about to become parents

• You will be able to give your child a healthier start in life. • The risk of miscarriage and premature birth will be lower. • The likelihood of a low birth weight will decrease. • The risk of sudden infant death syndrome will be lower.

12 languages

Pregnancy and childbirth

The emphasis is on mother and child health and issues of family life for new parents.
Expectant mothers do not need to pay for their own prenatal examinations. The basic health insurance also covers the cost of childbirth. Free advisory services are available for the parents before and after their child is born.

Relevant publications

Publications for professionals

__Midwife Refugee Kit__ This e-learning tool aims to educate and increase the competences of midwives and health workers, originating from the care of asylum-seeking families. The e-learning tool is part of the SHV continuing education catalogue and certi…

14 languages
Public Information
Birth: the start of a relationship for life

There are a lot of things that you, as expect¬ant parents, will be wondering long before you hold your baby in your arms. This brochure provides you with information and tips about the things you can do now to make sure that you are well prepared for the b…

11 languages


Breast milk is the best food for babies. But breastfeeding doesn't always work straight away. This can unsettle young mothers and fathers. Easy-to-understand information and advice help them overcome difficulties.

Relevant publications

Public Information
Breastfeeding - a healthy start to life

The booklet answers the most important questions about breastfeeding. - breastfeeding preparation in pregnancy - breastfeeding in the first hours and days after birth - recommendations for breastfeeding frequency and duration of breastfeeding - breastfeedi…

12 languages
Public Information
Breast is best (Short version)

Key sequences from the award-winning instructional film on breastfeeding "Breast is best" were selected by the scientific advisory council of Breast Feeding Promotion Switzerland: benefits for mother and child, bonding, correct positioning, breastfeeding p…

14 languages