Asylum law-related

How does the asylum system work in Switzerland? What rights are associated with the different residence permits? Where can I find legal advice on asylum matters? This section lists useful information.


Asylum system in Switzerland

The asylum system in Switzerland is based on the Swiss Asylum Act as well as international agreements such as the Geneva Refugee Convention.

The State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) is responsible for the realisation of asylum procedures. Since the revision of the Asylum Act in 2019, most procedures are completed within 140 days. Switzerland pursues a policy of expedited procedures to ensure that people in need of protection receive it quickly, while those without a protection claim leave Switzerland promptly.

Relevant publications

Public Information

On this website from the State Secretariat for Migration SEM, you can find important information on the asylum procedure, the federal asylum centres, life in Switzerland and healthcare. - German []( - French [asile…

13 languages

Switzerland grants protection and residence to people who are exposed to serious persecution in their country of origin due to their ethical affiliation, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, or who are unable…

Public Information

Jeder Mensch hat das Recht, ein anderes Land um Asyl zu ersuchen. Wer dies in der Schweiz tut, kann mündlich oder schriftlich ein Asylgesuch stellen und muss ein Asylverfahren durchlaufen. Die Schweizer Behörden prüfen jedes Asylgesuch rechtlich, wobei die…

2 languages
Public Information

The website of the Swiss State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) provides guidance on Switzerland's asylum process, eligibility criteria, and the steps involved, including application procedures and various asylum statuses. It also includes information on th…

4 languages

Permits & rights

There are five different permits in the asylum area. The rights associated with each status vary depending on the type of permit.

  • Permit N, asylum seeker
  • Permit S, person with S protection status
  • Permit B, refugee with asylum
  • Permit F, temporarily admitted refugees
  • Permit F, temporarily admitted persons

Relevant publications

Publications for professionals
Your rights - For asylum seekers

This flyer is intended for asylum-seekers, persons with a provisional admission, refugees, and those without a regular residence status. It contains information about the rights related to encounters with the police, the asylum procedure, and life in an as…

4 languages
Public Information
Brochure for refugees and temporarily admitted persons

Recognised refugees, temporarily admitted refugees and temporarily admitted persons will be sent a copy of the brochure together with their asylum decision (in German, French or Italian). The brochure contains basic information in simple terms on topics su…

13 languages
Publications for professionals
Familiennachzug und das Recht auf Familienleben

In ihrer ersten gemeinsamen Publikation zeigen die Schweizerische Beobachtungsstelle für Asyl- und Ausländerrecht sowie die Beobachtungsstellen der West- und Ostschweiz auf, dass es beim Familiennachzug sowohl aufgrund der gesetzlichen Grundlagen als auch …

2 languages

Family reunification

Family reunification (for direct relatives or the spouse) depends on the nationality and residency status of the person residing in Switzerland. Certain conditions must be met. The application must be submitted within a specific timeframe: 5 years for spouses and children under the age of 12, and one year for children aged between 12 and 18.

Relevant publications

Publications for professionals
Familiennachzug und das Recht auf Familienleben

In ihrer ersten gemeinsamen Publikation zeigen die Schweizerische Beobachtungsstelle für Asyl- und Ausländerrecht sowie die Beobachtungsstellen der West- und Ostschweiz auf, dass es beim Familiennachzug sowohl aufgrund der gesetzlichen Grundlagen als auch …

2 languages
Publications for professionals
Familiennachzug: ein wichtiger Faktor für Gesundheit und Integration

Mit der eigenen Familie zusammenleben zu können, ist ein Wunsch, der nicht für alle Menschen in Erfüllung geht. Besonders schwierig ist dies oft für geflüchtete Menschen, deren Liebste in unsicheren und belastenden Situationen zurückgeblieben sind, oder di…

3 languages
Publications for professionals

Der Nachzug von Familienmitgliedern aus dem Ausland ist je nach Status und Situation der Beteiligten unterschiedlich geregelt. Die wichtigsten rechtlichen Grundlagen sind das Asylgesetz (AsylG), die Asylverordnung (AsylV), das Ausländer- und Integrationsge…

2 languages

Cases of hardship

A hardship case in the Swiss asylum system allows rejected asylum seekers to obtain a residence permit in exceptional cases when returning to their home country would be unreasonable. Key criteria include long residence in Switzerland, good integration, health issues, the welfare of children, and potential dangers in the country of origin. The decision is made by the cantonal authorities in coordination with the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM).

Relevant links

Asylum and protection systems in Europe

Overview of the various legislative practices in the field of asylum.

Relevant publications

Publications for professionals

The European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) is a pan-European alliance of 122 NGOs in 40 countries protecting and advancing the rights of refugees, asylum seekers and displaced persons.

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