Health Equity

In Switzerland, people with lower levels of education and income have significantly lower life expectancies. They are also more likely to have health problems. Equal health means that everyone has the same opportunities to develop, maintain and, if necessary, recover good health.

Abstract Gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit

Poverty / Social disadvantage

Poverty can make people ill, but the opposite is also true: illness can cause poverty. There is a range of reasons for poverty and social disadvantage. However, the effects on health are undisputed.

Good to know

  • Illness can lead to unemployment and make it difficult to find a new job. There is a huge risk that those affected will become dependent on social assistance.
  • Bad working or living conditions, debt and long-term unemployment jeopardize an individual's mental and physical well-being.
  • Children from underprivileged families often have worse development outcomes. Preschool care and support services considerably increase equal opportunity when the children start school.
  • But poverty and social disadvantage often go hand in hand with a lower level of health literacy, meaning that individuals are unable to take the right decisions in their everyday lives to have a positive impact on their health. The easy-to-understand health information on migesplus in more than 50 different languages promotes health literacy.

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