Public Information
Public Information

Alcohol Cannabis Nicotine

Parents brochure

Titelbild ACN EN
This brochure describes how parents can find a helpful way to deal with the issue of substance use among adolescents. It answers questions such as - My child doesn’t consume addictive substances. What to do to ensure it stays this way? - How can I tell if my child is consuming addictive substances? - My child consumes addictive substances. What can I do? - What can I say to my child about addictive substances? - Where can I find out more about addictive substances? - What can I do as my child gets older? - And what about me?

This brochure describes how parents can find a helpful way to deal with the issue of substance use among adolescents. It answers questions such as

  • My child doesn’t consume addictive substances. What to do to ensure it stays this way?
  • How can I tell if my child is consuming addictive substances?
  • My child consumes addictive substances. What can I do?
  • What can I say to my child about addictive substances?
  • Where can I find out more about addictive substances?
  • What can I do as my child gets older?
  • And what about me?


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