Public Information
Public Information

Asylum / Protection from persecution

Explanations of the Swiss asylum system

The website of the Swiss State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) provides guidance on Switzerland's asylum process, eligibility criteria, and the steps involved, including application procedures and various asylum statuses. It also includes information on the Dublin Regulation, which determines responsibility for processing asylum claims in Europe, and offers resources for individuals from specific regions facing crises.

The website of the Swiss State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) provides guidance on Switzerland's asylum process, eligibility criteria, and the steps involved, including application procedures and various asylum statuses. It also includes information on the Dublin Regulation, which determines responsibility for processing asylum claims in Europe, and offers resources for individuals from specific regions facing crises.

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__Midwife Refugee Kit__ This e-learning tool aims to educate and increase the competences of midwives and health workers, originating from the care of asylum-seeking families. The e-learning tool is part of the SHV continuing education catalogue and certi…

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