Public Information
Public Information

Brochure for refugees and temporarily admitted persons

Titelbild  Informationsbroschüre des SEM für Flüchtlinge und vorläufig Aufgenommene englisch
Recognised refugees, temporarily admitted refugees and temporarily admitted persons will be sent a copy of the brochure together with their asylum decision (in German, French or Italian). The brochure contains basic information in simple terms on topics such as status, legal provisions, permits for foreigners, place of residence, changing cantons, travel abroad, bringing family members to Switzerland, integration, schools, employment, vocational training, health, social insurance, special charges and welfare assistance.

Recognised refugees, temporarily admitted refugees and temporarily admitted persons will be sent a copy of the brochure together with their asylum decision (in German, French or Italian). The brochure contains basic information in simple terms on topics such as status, legal provisions, permits for foreigners, place of residence, changing cantons, travel abroad, bringing family members to Switzerland, integration, schools, employment, vocational training, health, social insurance, special charges and welfare assistance.


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