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Publications for professionals

Child Poverty in the Midst of Wealth

UNICEF Innocenti Report Card

Titelbild_Child Poverty in the Midst of Wealth
In a time of general prosperity, more than 69 million children live in poverty in some of the world’s richest countries. Poverty is most often defined by income. But for most children, poverty is about more than just money. It is about growing up in a home without enough heat or nutritious food. Poverty means no new clothes, no telephone and no money for a birthday celebration. These deprivations have consequences that can last a lifetime. Research shows that children in poor families are less likely to complete a good education. In some countries, the research indicates that life is eight to nine years shorter for a child born in a poor area than a child born in wealthy area. Ending child poverty and its consequences is a matter of basic rights and justice.

In a time of general prosperity, more than 69 million children live in poverty in some of the world’s richest countries. Poverty is most often defined by income. But for most children, poverty is about more than just money. It is about growing up in a home without enough heat or nutritious food. Poverty means no new clothes, no telephone and no money for a birthday celebration. These deprivations have consequences that can last a lifetime. Research shows that children in poor families are less likely to complete a good education. In some countries, the research indicates that life is eight to nine years shorter for a child born in a poor area than a child born in wealthy area. Ending child poverty and its consequences is a matter of basic rights and justice.


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