Public Information
Public Information

The Swiss Nutrition Chart

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This Swiss Nutrition Chart provides a summary of the most important messages concerning healthy nutrition and exercise for children aged 4-12. The Chart contains recommendations for a balanced approach to food and drink. The attitudes of parents and parental figures, and the overall approach to mealtimes, also play an important role: a relaxed atmosphere at the table creates a sense of well-being and enjoyment during mealtimes. Calmness, humour and patience ensure that eating is associated with positive feelings, while criticism or pressure tend to spoil a child’s appetite. Inviting children to sample new kinds of food and setting them an example gives an opportunity for different tastes and experiences and provides options when it comes to food choices. Children are active by nature and love movement. This includes everyday activities and sport, in both cases outdoors if possible. Adequate breaks give children the opportunity to replenish their energy.

This Swiss Nutrition Chart provides a summary of the most important messages concerning healthy nutrition and exercise for children aged 4-12. The Chart contains recommendations for a balanced approach to food and drink. The attitudes of parents and parental figures, and the overall approach to mealtimes, also play an important role: a relaxed atmosphere at the table creates a sense of well-being and enjoyment during mealtimes. Calmness, humour and patience ensure that eating is associated with positive feelings, while criticism or pressure tend to spoil a child’s appetite. Inviting children to sample new kinds of food and setting them an example gives an opportunity for different tastes and experiences and provides options when it comes to food choices. Children are active by nature and love movement. This includes everyday activities and sport, in both cases outdoors if possible. Adequate breaks give children the opportunity to replenish their energy.


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