Public Information
Public Information

Help with tensions at home

Even during Corona

Poster campaign against domestic violence Restrictions on movement as a result of the coronavirus pandemic may be leading to more incidences of domestic violence, and the victims may find it difficult to seek help. A taskforce set up by the Confederation and the cantons has launched a poster campaign to inform people of where they can get help. Several associations and organisations are already giving their support to the campaign. The aim of the poster campaign is to encourage victims, their family members and their neighbours to seek information or advice from a victim support organisation. Victims of domestic violence should be able to access support services rapidly when tension at home develops into aggression or violence. The posters also indicate that people can call the police if necessary.

Poster campaign against domestic violence

Restrictions on movement as a result of the coronavirus pandemic may be leading to more incidences of domestic violence, and the victims may find it difficult to seek help. A taskforce set up by the Confederation and the cantons has launched a poster campaign to inform people of where they can get help. Several associations and organisations are already giving their support to the campaign.

The aim of the poster campaign is to encourage victims, their family members and their neighbours to seek information or advice from a victim support organisation. Victims of domestic violence should be able to access support services rapidly when tension at home develops into aggression or violence. The posters also indicate that people can call the police if necessary.


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