Public Information
Public Information

Online counselling and information for young people about sexuality bild
Lilli addresses teenagers and young adults with the aim of preventing violence and promoting sexual health. Our offer is low-threshold, free and anonymous. Visitors can ask questions without giving an email address. They will be answered by doctors, psychologists, psychotherapists, sex therapists and sexual counsellors.

Lilli addresses teenagers and young adults with the aim of preventing violence and promoting sexual health. Our offer is low-threshold, free and anonymous. Visitors can ask questions without giving an email address. They will be answered by doctors, psychologists, psychotherapists, sex therapists and sexual counsellors.

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Publications for professionals

__Midwife Refugee Kit__ This e-learning tool aims to educate and increase the competences of midwives and health workers, originating from the care of asylum-seeking families. The e-learning tool is part of the SHV continuing education catalogue and certi…

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