Publications for professionals
Publications for professionals

Network against female genital cutting Switzerland

Information platform

Titelbild RZ 140618 D
Female genital cutting (female genital mutilation/cutting FGM/C) is an issue in many countries, including Switzerland, and one that involves professionals working in a wide variety of fields, such as health, social affairs, law enforcement, education, gender equality and integration… The internet platform of the Network against Female Genital Cutting Switzerland offers information, practical guidance and tips, as well as networking and advice.

Female genital cutting (female genital mutilation/cutting FGM/C) is an issue in many countries, including Switzerland, and one that involves professionals working in a wide variety of fields, such as health, social affairs, law enforcement, education, gender equality and integration… The internet platform of the Network against Female Genital Cutting Switzerland offers information, practical guidance and tips, as well as networking and advice.


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