
New coronavirus: how we protect ourselves

Neues Coronavirus: So schützen wir uns
*(Campaign in DE/FR/IT) * With the ‘This is how we protect ourselves’ campaign about the new coronavirus, the Federal Office of Public Health FOPH is informing the population about how to protect themselves and others, how to observe hygiene and behavioural rules and how to take the right measures in the event of symptoms. The media of the migrant communities took part in this campaign with innovative information projects in the language of origin. They realised online interviews with health experts, meetings on Zoom and thematic videos. In addition to the easy-to-understand information articles, they placed banners on their portals and disseminated the infographics and explanatory videos provided by the FOPH via their social networks.

*(Campaign in DE/FR/IT) * With the ‘This is how we protect ourselves’ campaign about the new coronavirus, the Federal Office of Public Health FOPH is informing the population about how to protect themselves and others, how to observe hygiene and behavioural rules and how to take the right measures in the event of symptoms.

The media of the migrant communities took part in this campaign with innovative information projects in the language of origin. They realised online interviews with health experts, meetings on Zoom and thematic videos. In addition to the easy-to-understand information articles, they placed banners on their portals and disseminated the infographics and explanatory videos provided by the FOPH via their social networks.


Coronavirus vaccine, DNA system and infertility (in Turkish)

    Informationen zur Covid19-Impfung in der Schweiz, Türkisch

      Ein Interview mit albanischen Spezialisten in der Schweiz zum Thema Impfen, Albanisch

        Advertising: How we protect ourselves (in Turkish)

          Vorbereitung und Durchführung der Impfung, Russisch

          Der Facharzt für Gynäkologie und Geburt Furkat Davronov, die Fachärztin für Allgemeine Innere Medizin Helena Pastorova und Dm(D) Marion Weiher-Matschulat beantworten die Fragen zu den Besonderheiten der Impfung für Schwangere, zur Vorbereitung und Durchführung der Impfung, zu möglichen typischen Reaktionen nach der Impfung und zum internationalen Zertifikat.

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