Public Information
Public Information

Recognition of foreign professional qualifications

Explanations about the recognition procedure and the competent authorities depending on the profession.

Titelbild Anerkennung ausländischer Berufsqualifikationen
The SERI website centralizes the most important information on the recognition of foreign qualifications. Short videos answer three main questions: - What should I know and waht are important things to consider? - Do I need formal recognition of my qualifications? - How do I get a formal recognition of my qualification?

The SERI website centralizes the most important information on the recognition of foreign qualifications. Short videos answer three main questions:

  • What should I know and waht are important things to consider?
  • Do I need formal recognition of my qualifications?
  • How do I get a formal recognition of my qualification?


Working in Switzerland | What you should know and important things to consider!

    Working in Switzerland | Do I need formal recognition of my qualification?

      Working in Switzerland | How do I get a formal recognition of my qualification?

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