Public Information
Public Information

Sleep apnoea

Recognising symptoms – Increasing quality of life

Titelbild Schlafapnoe EN
The most frequent symptoms of sleep apnoea include snoring, breathing pauses during sleep, daytime fatigue with lack of concentration, and headaches. If left untreated for years, sleep apnoea often leads to severe health problems. This brochure provides information about: - What you should know about sleep apnoea - How to recognise sleep apnoea - Reliably confirming sleep apnoea - Why does breathing stop at night? - Successful therapy – restful sleep - Sleeping better with the CPAP breathing mask - The activities of the Swiss Lung Association in sleep apnoea - We are close to you

The most frequent symptoms of sleep apnoea include snoring, breathing pauses during sleep, daytime fatigue with lack of concentration, and headaches. If left untreated for years, sleep apnoea often leads to severe health problems.

This brochure provides information about:

  • What you should know about sleep apnoea
  • How to recognise sleep apnoea
  • Reliably confirming sleep apnoea
  • Why does breathing stop at night?
  • Successful therapy – restful sleep
  • Sleeping better with the CPAP breathing mask
  • The activities of the Swiss Lung Association in sleep apnoea
  • We are close to you


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