
SmokeFree tobacco prevention campaign

Tabakpräventionskampagne SmokeFree
This campaign was part of SmokeFree, the national anti-smoking programme aimed at reinforcing the understanding that a life without tobacco is better. The migrant communities’ media were involved in this campaign with information projects in their own languages. For example, they produced radio spots, and published testimonials and easy-to-understand articles about the subject. They also placed campaign banners on their websites and distributed the campaign videos through their social networks

This campaign was part of SmokeFree, the national anti-smoking programme aimed at reinforcing the understanding that a life without tobacco is better.

The migrant communities’ media were involved in this campaign with information projects in their own languages. For example, they produced radio spots, and published testimonials and easy-to-understand articles about the subject. They also placed campaign banners on their websites and distributed the campaign videos through their social networks


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