Public Information
Public Information

Victim Support Switzerland

We provide support that is free, confidential and anonymous – all over Switzerland

Titelbild Opferhilfe Schweiz deutsch
Victim support is available in the event of: threats, family violence, domestic violence, bodily harm, human trafficking, robbery, sexual abuse, sexual assault, stalking, homicide, rape, traffic accident, forced marriage and other situations. Brief information about victim’s help - [Ukrainian]( "Ukrainian") - [Russian]( "Russian") - [Portuguese]( "Portuguese") - [Spanish]( "Spanish") - [Turkish]( "Turkish") - [Albanian]( "Albanian") - [Rumantsch (CH)]( "Rumantsch (CH)") - [Serbian/bosnian]( "Serbian/bosnian") - [Croatian]( "Croatian") - [Tamil]( "Tamil") - [Arabic]( "Arabic") - [Tigrinya]( "Tigrinya") - [Sign language]( "Sign language")

Victim support is available in the event of: threats, family violence, domestic violence, bodily harm, human trafficking, robbery, sexual abuse, sexual assault, stalking, homicide, rape, traffic accident, forced marriage and other situations.

Brief information about victim’s help

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__Midwife Refugee Kit__ This e-learning tool aims to educate and increase the competences of midwives and health workers, originating from the care of asylum-seeking families. The e-learning tool is part of the SHV continuing education catalogue and certi…

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