Public Information
Public Information

Visual communication aids for infant health counsellors

Titelbild Visuelle Kommunikationshilfen zur Kindergesundheit
Picture worksheets for professionals counselling mothers and fathers with children 0–4 years old. Topics: Sleep, Nose-blowing, Nutrition plan for infants 1–2 years old (months), Car safety, Teeth brushing, Fear of unfamiliar foods (food neophobia), Screen time, Accident prevention, Crying, Flat-head syndrome (plagiocephaly), Personal hygiene, Fever etc.

Picture worksheets for professionals counselling mothers and fathers with children 0–4 years old.

Topics: Sleep, Nose-blowing, Nutrition plan for infants 1–2 years old (months), Car safety, Teeth brushing, Fear of unfamiliar foods (food neophobia), Screen time, Accident prevention, Crying, Flat-head syndrome (plagiocephaly), Personal hygiene, Fever etc.


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