Publications for professionals
Publications for professionals

Vulnerability – solidarity – resilience

Experience and insights from the coronavirus crisis

Titelbild verletzlich – solidarisch – resilient
As the framework for humanitarian work, developments in society are of major interest to the Swiss Red Cross (SRC). Conversely, the SRC’s humanitarian contributions have been part of the solidarity-based support that the organization provides to vulnerable people for over 150 years. In view of this, the SRC has consistently incorporated specialist knowledge into its work and invited experts to share their view of important issues. In keeping with this tradition, SRC headquarters has launched a new series of publications entitled “IN FOCUS – specialist contributions from the humanitarian perspective of the Swiss Red Cross”.

As the framework for humanitarian work, developments in society are of major interest to the Swiss Red Cross (SRC). Conversely, the SRC’s humanitarian contributions have been part of the solidarity-based support that the organization provides to vulnerable people for over 150 years. In view of this, the SRC has consistently incorporated specialist knowledge into its work and invited experts to share their view of important issues. In keeping with this tradition, SRC headquarters has launched a new series of publications entitled “IN FOCUS – specialist contributions from the humanitarian perspective of the Swiss Red Cross”.


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