Public Information
Public Information

What now? - Help and advice for victims of violence

Brochure of the cantonal police Bern

In general, Switzerland is a safe country. But even here crimes are committed – not only in public places like parks and bars, on trains or buses or at railway stations, but also in the privacy of the home and on the internet. The police are there for you: contact us if you are the victim of an offence or if you witness an offence being committed. If you are in danger, call us immediately on the police emergency numbers 112 or 117.

In general, Switzerland is a safe country. But even here crimes are committed – not only in public places like parks and bars, on trains or buses or at railway stations, but also in the privacy of the home and on the internet.

The police are there for you: contact us if you are the victim of an offence or if you witness an offence being committed. If you are in danger, call us immediately on the police emergency numbers 112 or 117.


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