Public Information
Public Information

Information about epilepsy in Ukrainian

The Swiss League Against Epilepsy has published three information flyers, a short film and some parts of its website in Ukrainian. This complements the work it has already done in Ukraine itself.

Titelbild Epilepsie-Informationen auf Ukrainisch
Three information flyers have now been translated into Ukrainian: “What are epileptic seizures and epilepsies?”, “First aid during epileptic seizures” and “Epilepsy in children”. The flyers are available on the website and can be easily printed out on four pages of A4 pages each. Within Switzerland, the Epilepsy League also sends them by post on request, free of charge or for a small contribution towards expenses. In addition, the popular short film “First aid for an epileptic seizure” can now also be viewed with Ukrainian subtitles.

Three information flyers have now been translated into Ukrainian: “What are epileptic seizures and epilepsies?”, “First aid during epileptic seizures” and “Epilepsy in children”. The flyers are available on the website and can be easily printed out on four pages of A4 pages each. Within Switzerland, the Epilepsy League also sends them by post on request, free of charge or for a small contribution towards expenses. In addition, the popular short film “First aid for an epileptic seizure” can now also be viewed with Ukrainian subtitles.

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